McCurdy Health & Wellness

4th Annual 100 Rep Competition

About this event

Welcome to the 4th Annual 100 Rep Competition! But first, to become a member of the 100 Rep Club, you need to complete the designated workout with your partner. This is a 2-person, same sex partner competition open for all athletes. What’s better than a BFF that you can workout with? You and your teammate will need to perform a combined 100 repetitions of each bodyweight movement. It will be done in a you go, then I go fashion. Only one teammate can be working at a time. Since you're doing this one with a buddy and getting a nice little rest while your partner is working, you should be pushing the pace each time it's your turn. The number of repetitions performed by each person does not matter, you just need to complete 100 repetitions between the two of you.

Divisions include Masters(45yrs+), Scaled (modified), & RX (as prescribed) for each male & female partners. Both division workouts are given along with the standards that need to be met for each movement. It is $100 per team. Join us on Saturday, March 8th at 9:00AM for this friendly and challenging partner competition.

This competition will be a fundraiser for the Cavalier Pool!: The Cavalier Pool had many awesome upgrades done for our kids last summer! All proceeds will go to the pool. 

What If I don't want to compete, but I would like to donate to the Cavalier Pool?: Sure thing! There is an option to donate money without competing!

What if I want to volunteer my time but not compete?: This is an option too! There is also a link to sign up to volunteer and/or judge the heats. A volunteer would help with setting up before the competition and picking up when it's over. A judge would count repetitions and make sure the athletes are meeting all the standards for every movement. It would be your job to make sure the athletes stay honest.




Please read all the notes below in great detail! You will be expected to perform each movement as described or the repetition will not count. 

1. Inchworm
2. Sit-Ups
3. Bulgarian Split Squat (12" Step)
4. Push-Up (Hand Release)
5. V-Ups
6. Squats
7. Burpee 
8. Box Jumps (Women 20" | Men 24")
9. Ring Rows
10. Up & Down Plank
11. Alternating Single Leg Deadlifts

INCHWORM: The movement begins standing upright with good posture. Hinge your body forward and walk your hands out in front of you along the floor, keeping your feet in place. Continue walking your arms out in to the plank position. Your shoulders should be in line with your wrists and your feet should still be at the back of the mat. Lower your chest to the floor until it is touching the ground. Push yourself back up in to the plank position. Start walking your hands toward your feet. Continue inching your body up until your palms meet your feet, then stand back up to beginning position. Standing with good posture. STANDARDS: CHEST TO GROUND AT 

SIT-UPS: Start the movement lying on your back with your feet together (BUTTERFLY FEET) and shoulders on the ground. Your legs will be in a butterfly shape with the soles of your feet pressed together and knees out wide. Extend your arms overhead, touching the ground behind you. Inhale to curl your torso up, and tap the floor in front of your feet. Lower back to the starting position. Making sure to extend your arms overhead, touching the ground behind you. STANDARDS: HANDS TOUCH THE GROUND OVERHEAD AT THE START OF EVERY MOVEMENT AND YOUR HANDS TAP THE FLOOR IN FRONT OF YOUR FEET AT THE END OF EVERY MOVEMENT. BUTTERFLY FEET.

BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUATS: Stand 2 to 3 feet in front of a 12 inch platform. Extend one leg behind you and rest your toes on the platform behind you. Toes can be flat or tucked, according to personal preference. Square your hips and shoulders. Keeping your torso upright, slowly lower your knee toward the floor (the leg that is on the platform). Lightly tap your knee to the ground. Reverse the move and return to starting position with good postures. STANDARDS: LIGHTLY TAP KNEE TO GROUND AT BOTTOM AND STAND UP WITH GOOD POSTURE AT THE TOP.

PUSH-UP (HAND RELEASE): NO KIPPING THESE AKA ROCKING AT THE BOTTOM TO BUILD MOMENTUM. Your starting position will be facing prone on the floor with your chest touching the ground and with your hands flat on the floor directly beneath your shoulders and your toes on the floor. Push-up, straightening your arms as you raise your upper and lower body at the same time.  Your body should stay in a straight line the entire time. Once both elbows fully extended, return to the starting position with your hands flat on the floor beneath your shoulders and your chest touching the ground. Without moving your head, body, or legs, lift  your hands about an inch off the floor for the "hand release" portion of the push-up. Return your 

V-UPS: Lie face up with your arms over your head and hands touching the ground. Your heels should be touching the ground with your toes pointed away from your body. Your chin should remain tucked throughout the movement, as if you were holding an egg under your chin. Your pelvis should be slightly tucked and your ribs should be down. Engage your core. All repetitions should begin from this position. While maintaining your alignment, lift your lower body and upper body off of the floor. Continue to lift your lower and upper body until you form a V shape. Touch your hands to your toes. Lower back down to beginning position with your arms overhead and hands touching the ground and heels touching the ground as well. STANDARDS: BEGINNING OF EVERY REP NEEDS TO BEGIN WITH ARMS OVERHEAD AND HANDS TOUCHING THE GROUND AS WELL AS YOUR HEELS TOUCHING THE GROUND. TOUCH YOUR HANDS TO YOUR TOES WHEN IN V-SHAPE POSITION.

SQUAT: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Engage core muscles and pull shoulder blades together slightly  to push out your chest. Squat back as if you were about to sit in a chair. Keep your weight in your heels so you don’t lean forward. Your hips  should move down and back. Make sure your lower back curve is maintained and keep heels flat on the floor the whole time. Hips will descend  lower than knees. Rise up by pushing through heels and using glutes to return to a standing position. STANDARDS: HIPS NEED TO DESCENT LOWER THAN KNEES. STAND AT FULL EXTENSION AT THE TOP. 

BURPEE: Start in a standing position. Lower in to a squat position with your knees bent, back straight, and your feet about shoulder-width apart. Lower your hands to the floor in front of you so they’re just outside your feet. With your weight on your hands, kick your feet back so you’re on your hands and toes, and in a plank position. Keeping your body straight from head to heels, lower your chest to the ground. Do a pushup to return to the plank position. Do a frog kick by jumping your feet back to their starting position. Stand and reach your arms over your head. Jump quickly into the air so you land back where you started. As soon as you land with knees bent, get into a squat position and do another repetition. STANDARDS: YOU MUST JUMP BACK IN TO THE PLANK POSITION. A STEP BACK WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. CHEST MUST TOUCH THE GROUND AT THE BOTTOM. YOU MUST JUMP BACK IN TO PLANK POSITION, A STEP BACK WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. ENTIRE  FOOT MUST LEAVE THE GROUND ON THE JUMP. 

BOX JUMPS: Stand with the box one short step in front of you and your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly and drop down, bringing your arms out behind you. Use the momentum from your quarter squat to propel you upward as you jump onto the box, allowing your arms to swing out in front of you. Land softly on both feet with a slight bend in the knees. Stand up with good posture and step back and down and repeat. STANDARDS: LAND WITH A BENT KNEE ON THE BOX. STAND WITH GOOD POSTURE AT THE TOP OF THE BOX. STEP DOWN. DO NOT JUMP. (Women 20" | Men 24")

RING ROW: Rings will be 32" off the ground. Place your heels directly under the rings, tape line will be placed. Grip the rings and lean back until your arms are straight. Keep your body straight and pull your chest up towards the rings. Chest needs to meet the rings for every rep. Lower yourself back down to the starting position. That is one full repetition. STANDARDS: RINGS 32" ABOVE THE GROUND. HEELS MUST STAY ON THE TAPE. CHEST MEETS RINGS EVERY TIME. KNEES LOCKED OUT. 

UP & DOWN PLANK: Begin in a full plank on your hands. Lower your right elbow to the mat and then your left, coming into an elbow plank. Put your right hand on the mat, and straighten your right elbow. Do the same on the left to return to a full plank. Repeat movements, but starting with your left side. Keep alternating sides. STANDARDS: PLANK POSITION MUST REMAIN ON TOES. NO DROPPING TO KNEES. ONE DOWN + ONE UP = 1 REP.

ALTERNATING SINGLE LEG DEADLIFT: Stand with both feet under hips. Shift your weight to the right leg, which should be nice and straight with a soft bend in the knee. Begin to drive your left foot back like you're stamping the bottom of your foot on the wall behind you, keeping your leg straight. Simultaneously, slowly start hinging at the waist, tipping your torso forward until it’s almost parallel to the floor. Keep your arms straight, at shoulder height, and perpendicular to the floor at all times. At the bottom of the position, your body should be in a straight line from the top of your head to the bottom of your left foot. You should tap the floor with your fingers at the bottom.  Then, begin pulling your left leg forward while keeping it straight, and lift your torso up until you’re standing again. That’s one rep. Your floating foot can only touch the ground when switching working legs. STANDARDS: MUST BE DONE LIKE A DEADLIFT. IF DONE LIKE A SQUAT, IT WILL BE A NO REP. FINGERS NEED TO TAP GROUND EACH TIME. 




Please read all the notes below in great detail! You will be expected to perform each movement as described or the repetition will not 

1. Inchworm
2. Sit-Ups
3. Alternating Lunges
4. Push-Up (Hand Release) (On Knees)
5. V-Ups
6. Squat
7. Up Downs 
8. Box Jumps (Women 12" | Men 16")
9. Ring Rows
10. Plank Shoulder Taps
11. Alternating Single Leg Deadlifts

INCHWORM: The movement begins up right with good posture on your feet. Hinge your body forward and walk your hands out in front of you along the floor, keeping your knees in place. Continue walking your arms out in to the plank position. Your shoulders should be in line with your wrists and your knees should still be at the back of the mat. Start walking your hands back toward your feet. Continue inching your body up until your palms meet your toes, then move to the beginning position having good posture. STANDARDS: FULLY INCH OUT TO PLANK POSITION WITH SHOULDERS IN LINE WITH WRISTS. FULL EXTENSION WITH GOOD POSTURE AT TOP.

SIT-UPS: Start the movement lying on your back with your feet together and shoulders on the ground. Your legs will be in a butterfly shape with the soles of your feet pressed together and knees out wide. Extend your arms overhead, touching the ground behind you. Inhale to  curl your torso up, and tap your knees in front of you. Lower back to the starting position. Making sure to extend your arms overhead, touching the ground behind you. STANDARDS: HANDS TOUCH THE GROUND OVERHEAD AT THE START OF EVERY MOVEMENT  AND YOUR HANDS TAP YOUR KNEES IN FRONT OF YOU AT THE END OF EVERY MOVEMENT. BUTTERFLY FEET.

LUNGES: Stand tall with your feet hip distance apart. Take a large step forward and lower your body toward the floor. Have your knee lightly tap the floor. An ab mat may be used to cushion your knee. Both legs should be bent at a 90-degree angle at the bottom of the lunge. Push off front leg to rise back up to start, and repeat on the other side. STANDARDS: KNEE NEEDS TO TAP THE GROUND OR AB MAT EVERY TIME.

PUSH-UP (HAND RELEASE) (ON KNEES): NO KIPPING THESE AKA ROCKING AT THE BOTTOM TO BUILD MOMENTUM. Your starting position will be facing prone on the floor with your chest touching the ground and with your  hands on the floor directly beneath your shoulders and your feet together. Push-up, straightening your arms as you raise your  upper and lower body at the same time.  Your body should stay in a straight line the entire time. Once both elbows fully extended, return to the starting position with your hands flat on the floor beneath your shoulders and your chest touching theground. Without  moving your head, body, or legs, lift  your hands about an inch off the floor for the "hand release" portion of the push-up. Return your  hands to the starting position to complete the push-up. STANDARDS: CHEST TOUCHING THE GROUND AT 


V-UPS: Lie face up with your arms over your head and hands touching the ground. Your heels should be touching the ground with your toes pointed away from your body. Your chin should remain tucked throughout the movement, as if you were holding an egg under your chin. Your pelvis should be slightly tucked and your ribs should be down. Engage your core. All repetitions should begin from this  position. While maintaining your alignment, lift your lower body and upper body off of the floor. Continue to lift your lower and upper body until you form a V shape. Touch your hands to your knees. Lower back down to beginning position with your arms overhead and hands touching the ground and heels touching the ground as well. STANDARDS: 

SQUAT: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Engage core muscles and pull shoulder blades together slightly  to push out your chest. Squat back as if you were about to sit in a chair. Keep your weight in your heels so you don’t lean forward. Your hips  should move down and back. Make sure your lower back curve is maintained and keep heels flat on the floor the whole time. Hips will descend 1" above knees. Rise up by pushing through heels and using glutes to return to a standing position. STANDARDS: HIPS NEED TO DESCENT 1" ABOVE KNEES. STAND AT FULL EXTENSION AT THE TOP. 

UP DOWNS: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and arms at your sides. Bending at the hips and knees, reach down to put your hands on the ground. Once your hands reach the ground, extend your legs out behind you with a quick hop into a plank position. Then reverse the movement by jumping up as quickly as you can without compromising form. STANDARDS: MUST JUMP BACK IN TO PLANK POSITION AND JUMP YOUR FEET BACK IN TO STAND. STEPPING BACK AND FORWARD WILL BE A NO REP. 

BOX JUMPS: Stand with the box one short step in front of you and your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly and drop down, bringing your arms out behind you. Use the momentum from your quarter squat to propel you upward as you jump onto the box, allowing your arms to swing out in front of you. Land softly on both feet with a slight bend in the knees. Stand up with good posture and step back and down and repeat. STANDARDS: LAND WITH A BENT KNEE ON THE BOX. STAND WITH GOOD POSTURE AT THE TOP OF THE BOX. STEP DOWN. DO NOT JUMP. (Women 12" | Men 16")

RING ROW: Rings will be 32" off the ground. Place your heels directly under the rings and move your heels towards you 6 inches, tape line will be placed. Grip the rings and lean back until your arms are straight. Keep your body straight and pull your chest up towards the rings. Chest needs to meet the rings for every rep. Lower yourself back down to the starting position. That is one full repetition. STANDARDS: RINGS 32" ABOVE THE GROUND. HEELS MUST STAY ON THE TAPE. CHEST MEETS RINGS EVERY TIME. KNEES LOCKED OUT.

PLANK SHOULDER TAPS: Get into a tall plank position with your hands about shoulder width apart and your feet about shoulder width apart. Lift one hand off the ground and tap the opposite shoulder, then return that hand to it’s original position. Repeat on the other side. That is one rep. STANDARD: MUST BE DONE IN TALL PLANK POSITION. DROPPING TO KNEES IS NOT PERMISSABLE. ONE REP = SHOULDER TAP RIGHT + SHOULDER TAP LEFT

ALTERNATING SINGLE LEG DEADLIFT: Stand with both feet under hips. Shift your weight to the right leg, which should be nice and straight with a soft bend in the knee. Begin to drive your left foot back like you're stamping the bottom of your foot on the wall behind you, keeping your leg straight. Simultaneously, slowly start hinging at the waist, tipping your torso forward until it’s almost parallel to the floor. Keep your arms straight, at shoulder height, and perpendicular to the floor at all times. At the bottom of the position, your body should be in a straight line from the top of your head to the bottom of your left foot. You should tap the tall standing dumbbell with your fingers at the bottom.  Then, begin pulling your left leg forward while keeping it straight, and lift your torso up until you’re standing again. That’s one rep. Your floating foot can only touch the ground when switching working




Please read all the notes below in great detail! You will be expected to perform each movement as described or the repetition will not 

1. Inchworm
2. Sit-Ups
3. Alternating Lunges
4. Elevated Push-Up (12" Box) (On Knees)
5. V-Ups
6. Squat
7. Elevated Up Downs (12" Box)
8. Box Jumps (Women 12" | Men 16")
9. Ring Rows
10. Plank Shoulder Taps
11. Alternating Single Leg Deadlifts

INCHWORM: The movement begins up right with good posture on your feet. Hinge your body forward and walk your hands out in front of you along the floor, keeping your knees in place. Continue walking your arms out in to the plank position. Your shoulders should be in line with your wrists and your knees should still be at the back of the mat. Start walking your hands back toward your feet. Continue inching your body up until your palms meet your toes, then move to the beginning position having good posture. STANDARDS: FULLY INCH OUT TO PLANK POSITION WITH SHOULDERS IN LINE WITH WRISTS. FULL EXTENSION WITH GOOD POSTURE AT TOP.

SIT-UPS: Start the movement lying on your back with your feet together and shoulders on the ground. Your legs will be in a butterfly shape with the soles of your feet pressed together and knees out wide. Extend your arms overhead, touching the ground behind you. Inhale to curl your torso up, and tap your knees in front of you. Lower back to the starting position. Making sure to extend your arms overhead, touching the ground behind you. STANDARDS: HANDS TOUCH THE GROUND OVERHEAD AT THE START OF EVERY MOVEMENT  AND YOUR HANDS TAP YOUR KNEES IN FRONT OF YOU AT THE END OF EVERY MOVEMENT. BUTTERFLY FEET.

LUNGES: Stand tall with your feet hip distance apart. Take a large step forward and lower your body toward the floor. Have your knee lightly tap the floor. An ab mat may be used to cushion your knee. Both legs should be bent at a 90-degree angle at the bottom of the lunge. Push off front leg to rise back up to start, and repeat on the other side. STANDARDS: KNEE NEEDS TO TAP THE GROUND OR AB MAT EVERY TIME.

ELEVATED PUSH-UP (12" Box) (ON KNEES): Your starting position will be facing prone on the floor with your chest touching the box and with your hands on the edge of the box directly beneath your shoulders and your feet together, knees on the floor. Push-up, straightening your arms as you raise your  upper and lower body at the same time.  Your body should stay in a straight line the entire time. Once both elbows fully extended, return to the starting position with your hands on the box beneath your shoulders and your chest touching the box.  STANDARDS: CHEST TOUCHING THE BOX AT 

V-UPS: Lie face up with your arms over your head and hands touching the ground. Your heels should be touching the ground with your toes pointed away from your body. Your chin should remain tucked throughout the movement, as if you were holding an egg under your chin. Your pelvis should be slightly tucked and your ribs should be down. Engage your core. All repetitions should begin from this  position. While maintaining your alignment, lift your lower body and upper body off of the floor. Continue to lift your lower and upper body until you form a V shape. Touch your hands to your knees. Lower back down to beginning position with your arms overhead and hands touching the ground and heels touching the ground as well. STANDARDS: BEGINNING OF EVERY REP NEEDS TO BEGIN WITH ARMS OVERHEAD AND HANDS TOUCHING THE GROUND AS WELL AS YOUR HEELS TOUCHING THE GROUND. TOUCH YOUR HANDS TO YOUR KNEES WHEN IN V-SHAPE POSITION.

SQUAT: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Engage core muscles and pull shoulder blades together slightly to push out your chest. Squat back as if you were about to sit in a chair. Keep your weight in your heels so you don’t lean forward. Your hips should move down and back. Make sure your lower back curve is maintained and keep heels flat on the floor the whole time. Hips will descend 1" above knees. Rise up by pushing through heels and using glutes to return to a standing position. STANDARDS: HIPS NEED TO DESCENT 1" ABOVE KNEES. STAND AT FULL EXTENSION AT THE TOP. 

ELEVATED UP DOWNS (12" BOX): Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and arms at your sides. Bending at the hips and knees, reach down to put your hands on the box. Once your hands reach the box, extend your legs out behind you with a quick hop into a plank position. Then reverse the movement by jumping up as quickly as you can without compromising form. STANDARDS: MUST JUMP BACK IN TO PLANK POSITION AND JUMP YOUR FEET BACK IN TO STAND. STEPPING BACK AND FORWARD WILL BE A NO REP. 

BOX JUMPS: Stand with the box one short step in front of you and your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly and drop down, bringing your arms out behind you. Use the momentum from your quarter squat to propel you upward as you jump onto the box, allowing your arms to swing out in front of you. Land softly on both feet with a slight bend in the knees. Stand up with good posture and step back and down and repeat. STANDARDS: LAND WITH A BENT KNEE ON THE BOX. STAND WITH GOOD POSTURE AT THE TOP OF THE BOX. STEP DOWN. DO NOT JUMP. (Women 12" | Men 16")

RING ROW: Rings will be 32" off the ground. Place your heels directly under the rings and walk your feet in 12 inches, tape line will be placed. Grip the rings and lean back until your arms are straight. Keep your body straight and pull your chest up towards the rings. Chest needs to meet the rings for every rep. Lower yourself back down to the starting position. That is one full repetition. STANDARDS: RINGS 32" ABOVE THE GROUND. HEELS MUST STAY ON THE TAPE. CHEST MEETS RINGS EVERY TIME. KNEES LOCKED OUT.

PLANK SHOULDER TAPS: Get into a tall plank position with your hands about shoulder width apart and your feet about shoulder width apart. Lift one hand off the ground and tap the opposite shoulder, then return that hand to it’s original position. Repeat on the other side. That is one rep. STANDARD: MUST BE DONE IN TALL PLANK POSITION. DROPPING TO KNEES IS NOT PERMISSABLE. ONE REP = SHOULDER TAP RIGHT + SHOULDER TAP LEFT

ALTERNATING SINGLE LEG DEADLIFT: Stand with both feet under hips. Shift your weight to the right leg, which should be nice and straight with a soft bend in the knee. Begin to drive your left foot back like you're stamping the bottom of your foot on the wall behind you, keeping your leg straight. Simultaneously, slowly start hinging at the waist, tipping your torso forward until it’s almost parallel to the floor. Keep your arms straight, at shoulder height, and perpendicular to the floor at all times. At the bottom of the position, your body should be in a straight line from the top of your head to the bottom of your left foot. You should tap the tall standing dumbbell with your fingers at the bottom.  Then, begin pulling your left leg forward while keeping it straight, and lift your torso up until you’re standing again. That’s one rep. Your floating foot can only touch the ground when switching working legs. STANDARDS: MUST BE DONE LIKE A DEADLIFT. IF DONE LIKE A SQUAT, IT WILL BE A NO REP. FINGERS NEED TO TAP DUMBBELL EACH TIME. FLOATINGFOOT CAN NOT TOUCH THE GROUND UNLESS SWITCHING THE WORKING LEG. THE FLOOR IS HOT LAVA PEOPLE!

Date and time

Saturday, Mar 8, 2025
09:00 AM - 01:00 PM GMT -6:00


McCurdy Health & Wellness, Division Avenue South, Cavalier, ND, USA



Ticket sales end February 17, 2025
Date and time

Saturday, Mar 8, 2025
09:00 AM - 01:00 PM GMT -6:00


McCurdy Health & Wellness, Division Avenue South, Cavalier, ND, USA



Ticket sales end February 17, 2025
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